Spanish Championships 2023 – Results

Kuk Sa Nim and the WKSA send congratulations and thanks to all competitors and judges!

The Results for the 2023 Spanish Tournament:

Grand Champions
JKN 12 & Under – Will Lyons (Widnes) 21 points
JKN 13 Year Old – Erin Samuel (Bathgate) 23 points
JKN 14 Year Old – Amelia Clarke (Widnes) 23 points
JKN 15 – 17 – Billy Durbin (Widnes) 23 points
JKN 18 – 23 – Clemens Roeser (Worms) 26 points
JKN 33 – 40 – Jak Lyons (Widnes) 28 points
JKN 41+ – Claire Gillespie (Bathgate) 23 points
KSN 17 & Under – Chloe Bell (Bathgate) 17 points
KSN 18 – 42 (Male) – Timothy Fong (Rotterdam) 26 points
KSN 18+ (Female) – Sarah Martindale (Widnes) 25 points
KSN 45+ (Male) – Derek Donoghue (Widnes) 30 points
PSBN 33 & Under – Jan-Eric Siegel (Worms) 21 points
PSBN 41+ – Antonio Marco (Central London) 23 points
SBN (Male) – Karl Martindale (Widnes) 13 points
SBN (Female) – Nicola Slack (Newmarket) 11 points

School Places
1st – Widnes (SBN Karl Martindale) 431 points
2nd – Rivas (JIKJN Luis Garcia) 180 points
3rd – Cork (PKJN Matt Boniwell) 170 points
4th – Bathgate (PKJN Graham Philp) 124 points
5th – Rotterdam (PKJN Orfeo Sprang) 116 points
6th – Worms (SSKJN Kea Hong Kwon) 93 points
7th – Madrid (JIKJN Luis Garcia) 90 points
8th – Norwich (SSKJN John Ives) 84 points
9th – St Feliu (PKJN Jordi Velasco) 69 points
10th – Winchburgh (PSBN Nichola Steedman) 58 points